石原 燃
2010年、日本の植民地時代の台湾を描いた『フォルモサ!』が劇団大阪創立40周年の戯曲賞にて大賞を受賞。2011年には原発事故直後の東京を描いた短編『はっさく』がNYの演劇人が立ち上げたチャリティー企画「震災 SHINSAI:Thester for Japan」で取り上げられ、2012年3月11日に全米で上演された。その他の主な戯曲作品に、義足を盗まれる事件に遭遇した母娘を描いた『人の香り』、NHK番組改編事件を扱った『白い花を隠す』などがある。
初演:2010年 ユニットえりすぐり(渡辺えり主宰)第1回公演「乙女の祈り」にて
初演:2010年 ユニットえりすぐり(渡辺えり主宰)第2回公演にて
『フォルモサ!』 劇団大阪40周年記念戯曲公募 大賞
初演:2011年 劇団大阪 第69回本公演にて
初演:2011年 Pカンパニー番外公演その2「岸田國士的なるものをめぐって」にて
『父を葬る』 第24回テアトロ新人戯曲賞 佳作
初演:2012年 マルハンクラブ(半海一晃主宰)番外公演にて
『人の香り』 第18回劇作家協会新人戯曲賞 最終候補
初演:2013年 燈座 旗揚げ公演にて
『沈黙』 第22回OMS戯曲賞 最終候補
初演:2014年 Pカンパニー第14回公演シリーズ罪と罰 CASE-1にて
『夢を見る』 第23回OMS戯曲賞 最終候補
初演:2015年 燈座×占部、勝手に巣づくり企画 @SPACE 梟門オープン予定地にて
初演:2015年 燈座×虚空旅団 協力公演にて
『白い花を隠す』 第25回読売演劇大賞優秀演出家賞(演出:小笠原響)
初演:2017年 Pカンパニー第19回公演シリーズ罪と罰 CASE-3にて
初演:2021年 Pカンパニー第32回公演シリーズ罪と罰 CASE-9にて
初演:2021年 O企画 1st stageにて
『彼女たちの断片』 第67回岸田國士戯曲賞の最終候補作
初演:2022年 TEE東京演劇アンサンブル公演にて
小説『赤い砂を蹴る』 第163回芥川賞候補
Nen Ishihara
A playwright and novelist. Born in Tokyo. BA in Department of Architecture, Musashino Art University. She started her career of playwright in 2007, and since then she has been writing many original plays upon requests. She moved to Osaka in the summer of 2011, and established a drama group “Akariza.” After returning to Tokyo in 2016, she continues her creative activities by herself.
One of her masterpieces is “FORMOSA!”, written in 2010. This play depicted Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era, and that was awarded the grand prize of the Osaka Theater 40th Anniversary Drama Award. In 2011, she wrote a short play “HASSAKU” depicting Tokyo immediately after the nuclear power plant accident. This play featured in the charity project “SHINSAI: Theaters for Japan” launched by New York City’s leading theatre companies, which took place at regional theatres throughout the United States on 11 March 2012, the first anniversary of the great earthquake. Her other representative works of play are; “Hito no kaori (The traces of humanity)” depicting a mother-daughter relationship while they are involved in a theft of an artificial limb, “Shiroi hana o kakusu (Who hid her white flowers?)” depicting the dilution and moral collapse of NHK’s TV programs, and more.
In 2020, her first novel “Akai suna o keru (Kicking red sand)” was published, and nominated for the 163rd Akutagawa Prize.
“HARUKA”; short play
Premiere: 2010, the first performance of Unit Erisuguri (lead by Eri Watanabe), titled “Otome no Inori”
Publication: Serifu no Jidai vol.56, 2010 summer issue
“A hummingbird laughs at you”
Premiere: 2010, the second performance of Unit Erisuguri (lead by Eri Watanabe)
Honor: the grand prize of the Osaka Theater 40th Anniversary Drama Award Premiere: 2011, the 69th performance of Gekidan Osaka
“HASSAKU”; short play, English translation available as an excerpt version
Premiere: 2011, the second extra performance of P Company, titled “Kishida Kunio teki naru mono o megutte”
Publication: Theatro; magazine, October 2011
“To bury the father”
Honor: the Honorable Mention of the 24th Theatro New Playwright Award
Premiere: 2012, the extra performance of Maruhan Club (lead by Kazuaki Hankai)
Publication: Theatro; magazine, October 2011
“The traces of humanity”
Honor: nominated for the 18th Japan Playwrights Association New Playwright Prize
Premiere: 2013, the first performance of Akariza
Publication: Excellent New Playwrights Collection edited by Japan Playwrights Association
“The silence of the courts”
Honor: nominated for the 22nd OMS Drama Award
Premiere: 2014, the 14th performance of P Company, titled “Series Tsumi to Batsu: CASE-1”
Publication: Theatro; magazine, November 2014
“Is it possible for a sexual assault survivor to dream?”
Honor: nominated for the 23rd OMS Drama Award
Premiere: 2015, the Katteni Suzukuri Project of Akariza x Urabe, performed at SPACE Kyoumon planned site
“We are dancing on the border”
Premiere: 2015, the collaboration performance of Akariza x Koku Ryodan
“Who hid her white flowers?”
Honor: the 25th Yomiuri Theater Grand Prix Award for Best Director (Kyo Ogasawara)
Premiere: 2017, the 19th performance of P Company, titled “Series Tsumi to Batsu: CASE-3”
Publication: Theatro; magazine, May 2017
“The Camphor Tree -A Japanese female novelist in ‘colonial Taiwan’-”
Premiere: 2021, the 32th performance of P Company, titled “Series Tsumi to Batsu: CASE-9”
Publication: Higeki-Kigeki (Tragedy Comedy); magazine, March 2021
“The Fishes”
Premiere: 2021, the 1th performance of O kikaku
Publication: “Is it possible for a sexual assault survivor to dream? ”; drama collection
“Fragments of the Women”
Honor: nominated for the 67th Kishida Drama Award
Premiere: 2022, performance of Tokyo Engeki Ensemble
Publication: “Is it possible for a sexual assault survivor to dream? ”; drama collection
Novel “Walking out on the red earth”
Honor: nominated for the 163rd Akutagawa Prize
First publication: Bungakukai; magazine, June 2020, published by Bungei Shunju
Collection of plays “Is it possible for a sexual assault survivor to dream?”
Including three plays: “The Fishes”, “Fragments of the Women” and the play of this collection title, “Is it possible for a sexual assault survivor to dream?”; published by Ajuma Books